We are blessed to have received the support of many businesses since we started. Our first supporter was West Stride, a running store located near our home in Atlanta. They allowed us to leave a note at the cash register that asked customers to donate their new shoe boxes to us. They also allowed us to set up a booth outside their store in 2016 where we had a raffle to collect funds for our 2016 campaign. Since our last campaign in February, 2016, their customers have donated almost 525 boxes for us to use in our 2017 campaign.
The Cumberland Mall store of Costco has also given us material and vocal support for our activities. For the boxes we make ourselves, we purchase most of the goods from Costco.
The Daisani division of Coca Cola in Atlanta donated a large number of bottled waters and enthusiastically supported us with shoe boxes and other content material.
All of us have experienced the joy of Sweetheart candies and Little Debbie cupcakes during the Valentine season. The parent companies of both of these organizations (one in Tennessee and the other in Boston) donated meaningful amounts of candies and cupcakes to us last year.
We have received smaller contributions from other businesses including dentist offices, drug stores and restaurants. We welcome any types of gifts to help us fulfil our mission of creating a great Valentine's Day for people who are homeless.