If you are a homeless shelter in the Atlanta area and would like for your clients to participate in this year's Valentine Day's campaign, please contact David Plyler at david@homelessatheart.orgor call us at 404-441-2630. we will work with you to arrange drop-off and interaction between our volunteers and your clients and staff.
We prefer to connect you with one of our groups where they can customize boxes and cards to fit the profiles of your clients and participate in the delivery to you.
We worked with the following shelters in 2016:
Atlanta Mission Men's Shelter
Atlanta Mission Women and Children's Shelter
City of Refuge
Seven Bridges to Recovery Shelter
Seven Bridges to Recovery Street Ministry
Gateway Center
First Presbyterian Church Women's Shelter
First Presbyterian Homeless Breakfast
Trinity Community Ministries
Central Night Shelter
Agape Way Homeless Breakfast
MUST Ministries